Guillaume Schmidt For Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein’s campaign for Pride #PROUDINMYCALVINS
Check out Patta co-founder Guillaume Schmidt in conversation with JeanPaul Paula for Calvin Klein below, discussing intersectionality and his feelings on allyship.
Intersectionality. The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage...
“I know that we have to do more and that we also have to do a lot better. And I’m proud of the progress that we are making. I know we still have a long way to go, but I see that, and I can feel that. I’m willing to take that route to change and I must say that at times it’s really uncomfortable. I thought I was all that, but I wasn’t. So, times I was ignorant, times I was not who I perceived myself to be. There is always your family, people that surround you. They will steer me into the direction that I think is important. So, I’m doing that with them and I’m proud of that journey”